St. Thomas Episcopal Church

We are a welcoming community following Christ through loving service and joyful worship in the Episcopal tradition.

Featured Image: Presiding Bishop-Elect Sean Rowe addressing the House of Deputies.  Photo taken by the Rector. The Scripture readings (Track II) can be found here

Featured image: Diocesan Pride Logo created by Red McSwiggan The Scripture readings (track II) can be found here

Featured image:Andrei Rublev, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here  

Featured Image: Jean Restout, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here  

Featured image: John Singleton Copley, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here

Featured image: “St. Peter Preaching in Jerusalem,” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here

Featured image: Attributed to Jan Brueghel the Younger, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here  

Featured Image: AnonymousUnknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here  

Featured image: “Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man” Poussin, Public Domain The Scripture readings can be found here

Featured image: “Jesus washes Peter’s feet” Ford Madox Brown, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The Scripture readings can be found here