St. Thomas Episcopal Church

We are a welcoming community following Christ through loving service and joyful worship in the Episcopal tradition.


The music at St. Thomas embraces a variety of styles and periods with a focused emphasis on the hymn as the core of our service music. The congregation along with the choir is encouraged to sing “unapologetically” using descants, key changes and other approaches to make service exciting and vibrant. Each week, the hymn selections are chosen to reflect the sense and essence of the scriptural texts for that particular Sunday. Other service music such as the Gloria, Sanctus and Fraction Anthem change with each liturgical season.

The choir at St. Thomas currently meets on Sunday mornings for about one hour before the 10 o’clock service. They usually sing an anthem at that time and offer strong leadership to the hymn singing.

The organist offers a prelude and postlude before and after the service chosen to reflect the liturgical season. The repertoire comes from a wide variety of periods and styles including improvisation.

Currently, St. Thomas’ is delighted to enjoy the musical talent of Dr. Brian Larkin. The choir is enchanted with Dr. Larkin’s quick wit, musical giftedness and faithfulness to his discipline. Regular worship services are enhanced by several organ recitals on a Sunday afternoon, Advent “Lessons & Carols”, a Thanksgiving service and beautiful music during Holy Week. The parish considers itself so blessed to experience such excellent music throughout the year!