St. Thomas Episcopal Church

We are a welcoming community following Christ through loving service and joyful worship in the Episcopal tradition.

Bereavement Group


Grief is something we have all experienced or will experience. Just as God made no two people alike, no one grieves in the same way. We are all different. Our bereavement group is here to help in any way that we can, be it for comfort, help, support, or just prayer.

The Bereavement Group is held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30am. It is open to all who are mourning a loss, whatever its nature. It doesn’t matter how long ago the loss was; the grief can be recent or long-standing.

  • A Bereavement group brings together people who are working with the consequences and pain of a life change.
  • A Bereavement group is a place we can ask, Why me? Why Now?

We are here to provide support, prayer, resources and encouragement in the midst of your loss and your experiencing sadness.