St. Thomas Episcopal Church

We are a welcoming community following Christ through loving service and joyful worship in the Episcopal tradition.


Community Outreach

St. Thomas is very active in helping those who are in need. We have several ministries which specifically target the collection and distribution of goods and services. These past few years, we have seen a spike in the call for help from our neighbors and we are committed to help in many ways.

On any given day, you will find collection tubs in our Parish Hall; we collect food items, toiletries and personal care items for We’re Just People, a group, run by a parishoner, that is dedicated to assisting the homeless, those living in shelters, and low-income individuals with food and clothing resources. We also collect new greeting cards for prisoners at the ACI to send to their loved ones. In the winter, we collect warm socks to distribute to attendees at the Church Beyond the Walls as well as those who live in local shelters. Our collections are ongoing and many people benefit from the generosity of our parishioners.

Each Christmas season, we spread a little extra cheer to our neighbors in need. Our Giving Tree is hung with gift requests, from clothing to toys, and we endeavor to provide wrapped gifts for opening on Christmas morning to families who need a little help. Our tradition of putting together food baskets at Thanksgiving is strong and the need is greater than ever. We collect and deliver a little joy to many.

During the summer months, ECC (The Episcopal Conference Center) is buzzing with a camp for children aged 7-18. To those who would like to attend, but are unable to afford the fees, St. Thomas solicits donations to pay for children to spend a week in the woods of Pascoag, having the time of their lives. We also welcome the City Campers into our parish three times during the summer for a home-cooked luncheon, sending home healthy snacks and groceries to their families, hosting up to 120 youngsters for a day of food and fun.

We believe in feeding people in body, mind and spirit.  Every other month, parishoners from St. Thomas travel to the Diocese House in Providence to help make lunches and attend the Eucharist at Church Beyond the Walls in Burnside Park.  And in our neighborhood, we reach out to twelve step programs offering them the use of our parish hall, as well as activities at Tri-Town.

At the Diocesan level, we heartily support Episcopal Charities and UTO. We have great parish commitment for these worthwhile programs of our Diocese. And at an international level, we have supported women and children affected by the Aids crisis through the African Team Ministry each year.

There are so many ways to help and we are always eager to hear suggestions to offer more assistance to our community.


Contact: Phyllis Spaziano –