St. Thomas Episcopal Church

We are a welcoming community following Christ through loving service and joyful worship in the Episcopal tradition.

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday is observed on the 1st Sunday of the month. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to worship together, the youth of the parish to participate in the liturgy and the congregation to enjoy worshipping with our young people.

Church School classes are not held on the 1st Sunday of the month. Children are our greatest joy, their education our happiest task and their participation in the life of our parish among our proudest moments. Education is an important part of St. Thomas’ ministry and it’s a role we especially enjoy, and part of that education features including them in the worship life of the parish. We love our kids!

Our younger members will assist in being ushers, greeters and will bring up the gifts for communion. They will also read the lessons at the Liturgy of the Word. An offering will also be provided of groceries, symbolic of all of the many collections of food and clothing that our outreach committee sponsors. They are also invited to host at coffee hour that day. See our Sunday school teachers for any questions you might have. 

Contact:Deb Farrar